We had the opportunity to work with an amazing team of people during our stay in Guatemala. I wanted to highlight a few of the local missionaries and organizations. Hopefully this gives you a glimpse of the amazing people we get to work with who tirelessly serve their community while also giving you the opportunity to partner with them in the work they are doing.
Betty Merida
Betty was born and raised in Guatemala. She accepted the Lord in June of 1997 through the testimony of a short term missionary. She is a physical education teacher and holds another degree in Teaching English as a Second Language. She has served the Lord for 16 years now, training teachers, pastors, women and serving short term missions. She shares the need for Jesus Christ while teaching the Bible to children and adults that live near or in the garbage dump in Sumpango, as well as in an orphanage with children who are HIV positive. Her passion and energy for the people she serves is contagious and the genuine love she has for the people of Sumpango is inspiring. If you are interested in financially supporting the work she is doing follow this link: http://cten.org/missionary/bettymerida/
Betty is very thankful for your prayers and support as well as your
involvement in her ministry in Guatemala.
Davis Giron
Davis served as our interpreter for both the James 1:27 trip and the Bridge Builders trip. We discovered he was much more than an interpreter, driving us to various schools, gathering supplies, constructing bookcases, and building relationships everywhere we went. When he is not serving short term teams from Wooddale, he is working in schools around Guatemala City to share hope and give kids a vision for their future beyond simply surviving. He runs sports clinics as a way to connect personally with students and then introduces them to the person of Jesus Christ. He has a passion for showing kids who Jesus is and how knowing Him changes everything. If you are interested in learning more about his ministry or providing financial support for his ministry here is a link: https://identifythemission.managedmissions.com/MyTrip/davisgiron1
We had the opportunity to tour an amazing facility that serves children and adults with special needs in Santiago, Atilan. The facility is home to a school for both children and adults, a rehabilitation center, and vocational training program to serve those with disabilities near Lake Atilan. Their primary source of funding is ADISA who’s vision is to change how the community views people with disabilities and provide the services needed for individuals to discover their purpose and dignity. Their vocational training program is home to talented artists who take recycled material to create both beautiful and useful items to sell in their tienda on-site, a store in Antigua, and on-line. Here is a link to their website if you want to learn more: http://www.adisagt.com/quienes.htm or peruse the available items for sale: http://www.artesanosdeadisa.org/tienda-de-artesanias.html
Our teams were in Guatemala for a week or two, but these people and organizations have dedicated their lives to serving their communities and advancing God’ kingdom all around Guatemala each and every day. Please consider supporting them financially and remember them in your prayers.