Thursday, August 17, 2017

With Hope Comes Joy

Buenos Noches!

This update comes from our new retreat center in Panajachel, Guatemala on Lake Atitlan. Not only is the view beautiful but we already have found plenty of goodies at the local market! Joining us here is the local Guatemala Team. We hope the next few days we spend together will bring relaxation and rejuvenation for them after a very busy summer hosting over 400 missionaries!
Denise, Allie and Michelle enjoying our final evening in Sumpango
Last night was an amazing night for Team Guatemala and the families of Sumpango. Our final class focused around healthy nutrition and was led by Tara. She discussed healthy options for families and led an activity that showed how much sugar is in different drinks children often buy at the local tiendas (convenience stores).
Tara teaching the families about healthy nutrition
After the final class, twenty-four children and their parents graduated from the Bunkbed Ministry and received their beds. It was an unforgettable evening for all involved while we watched excited families carry their beds out of the church and back to their homes.
The bunkbeds under our guiding verse
A family receiving their graduation certificate.
The children being addressed by Betty. 
A family with four young girls receiving their certificate.  
Enjoying their new beds already! 
Praying over the beds
Jen and six year old Nancy
Wilson, Tara and Walter
Flowers each family received as a reminder of hope
Today we completed our final day of teaching in the orphanage. Tara taught students about Antartica and Australia while Joyce taught about Europe. We truly enjoyed spending time with the children and wish we could have stayed longer!

Please pray that the local Guatemala Team is able to find refreshment in our devotional time tomorrow and that we can enjoy our final few days in Guatemala. Tomorrow evening we will head to Antigua for the final part of our journey.

Hasta Manana,

Team Guatemala

Wednesday, August 16, 2017

With Hope Comes Confidence

Hola Amigos!

Yesterday and today were filled with lots of energy, laughs and learning. We completed our first two days teaching in a local orphanage, while the school's teachers received important professional development training. Throughout the week we are teaching students about the seven continents through song, activities, and games. Students are ages birth-6th grade and are full of constant energy! Half live at the orphanage while the other half live within the community. The campus is an oasis of beautiful flowers, sunny classrooms, and friendly faces. We hope the time the teachers spend receiving training will equip them in the classroom and give them a time of refreshment.

Last night, we spent the evening discussing the topic of sexual abuse with the families of the Bunkbed Ministry. Amy addressed the adults while Allie and Michelle E. told stories to the children that enabled discussion around this difficult topic. Denise then led the children through an activity where they were able to make paper figures with paper clothing to illustrate what areas of our body are private to us. At the end of the evening, Pastor Marvin asked for the parents to pray over their children. It was a beautiful experience to partake in and one that none of us will soon forget.
Allie and Berna telling the children a story

Michelle and Berna telling the children a story

Pastor Marvin and the children of the church

Tonight is the final evening of the Bunkbed Ministry. We are sad to end our time with the families but happy to see them benefit from the beds they will be receiving tonight. Please pray that the classes and the beds will promote not only healthy families but also an everlasting hope in God.

Hasta Luego!

Team Guatemala

Tuesday, August 15, 2017

Estoy Lindamente Hecho!

Buenos Dias!

Day three has come and gone quickly, with each experience showing us how blessed we are and how much the people of Sumpango benefit from having God in their lives. We spent the morning and afternoon conducting home visits with the families who will be receiving bunkbeds from the evening ministries. With each visit we were able to build relationships with the families and pray for them.

In the evening we continued our Bunkbed Ministry with lessons on alcoholism. Amy taught parents about addiction and how it can become a problem not only for the addict and his/her family but even generations that follow.

Jen led a lesson on alcoholism with the children. She focused on helping them understand all of the wonderful things that God has made them to be (intelligent, beautiful, kind, brave), and how alcohol can diminish those qualities. The children then made "Yo Soy" boards where they were able to create a mural that shows all of the wonderful qualities that God has given them.

We continue to ask for prayer for the families of Sumpango and hope this week will create new hearts for anyone suffering with addiction.

Hasta Mañana,

Team Guatemala

Sunday, August 13, 2017

Plans for Hope and a Future

 Hola Amigos!

Our first full day in Sumpango has come and gone quickly but was filled with many first-time experiences and memories. We started our day off with a delicious breakfast made by our hotel's host, Bianca. The three resident dogs were able to ensure leftovers were not an option (and that Tara would come to visit them daily!). 

After breakfast, Michelle E. led us through a devotional focused on the topic of hope. Throughout the trip we will be focusing on hope in our work and during devotionals. The following scripture will guide us:

Noemi, Berna, Pastor Marvin, Miguel and Betty
Soon after devotionals, the local Guatemala team came to meet with us and discuss what their organization, Breaking Cycles, does for the city of Sumpango. 
In the following video Betty takes the time to explain their vision and ways we can support them:

At 4 o'clock we headed to the church for our evening events. The service began with worship, which we could hear as we walked up the hill towards the building. During the service we were able to thank the members for welcoming us into their church before Michelle K. graciously shared her faith story with the congregation. Joyce then addressed the adults while the children learned about the story of Noah's Ark in Sunday School. 
Worship time at the church

Michelle K. telling her faith story
Joyce speaking to the congregation

Children learning about Noah's Ark and creating arks of their own!
After church ended we prepared for our first evening of the Bunkbed Ministry. Families who participate are required to attend four nights of educational ministry surrounding topics of God's love, Alcoholism, Sexual Abuse, and Nutrition. The goal for these classes is to help families understand how certain life choices can negatively impact the future of their family and cause hopelessness. Through our guiding verse (Jeremiah 29:11) we aim to show the families what hope means and how trusting in God can bring hope and joy into their lives. If families attend all four evenings, they will receive a set of bunkbeds to bring home. Many families attending the classes live in limited sleeping arrangements that can lead to sexual abuse and inappropriate experiences for children specifically. We hope the bunkbeds and classes will lead to a decreased risk of hopelessness and abuse.
Amy and Betty Teaching parents about God's Love
Joyce teaching children about God's Love

Please pray that we find ways to speak God's truth and show God's love this week to the families of Sumpango.

Hasta Mañana!

Team Guatemala

Saturday, August 12, 2017

Buen Viaje!

Early this morning, the Guatemala team gathered in the Minneapolis Airport to begin their venture to Sumpango, Guatemala. First thing was first: Amy weighed each of our bags to make sure we were under the 50 lb mark--it was no surprise that a few of us went over! After some rearranging, we were off to begin the first leg of the journey to the Atlanta airport. On the flight, Amy got the rockstar treatment when she was upgraded to first class (breakfast sandwich included!). After a short flight full of naps, we landed in Atlanta for our hour long layover.

As we prepare for our final leg of the journey we ask for prayer for safe travels, a smooth arrival to Sumpango, and a good night's sleep for all of us.

Hasta Mañana!

Team Guatemala

Sunday, March 5, 2017

Some of Our Teammates

We had the opportunity to work with an amazing team of people during our stay in Guatemala. I wanted to highlight a few of the local missionaries and organizations. Hopefully this gives you a glimpse of the amazing people we get to work with who tirelessly serve their community while also giving you the opportunity to partner with them in the work they are doing.

Betty Merida

Betty was born and raised in Guatemala. She accepted the Lord in June of 1997 through the testimony of a short term missionary. She is a physical education teacher and holds another degree in Teaching English as a Second Language. She has served the Lord for 16 years now, training teachers, pastors, women and serving short term missions. She shares the need for Jesus Christ while teaching the Bible to children and adults that live near or in the garbage dump in Sumpango, as well as in an orphanage with children who are HIV positive. Her passion and energy for the people she serves is contagious and the genuine love she has for the people of Sumpango is inspiring. If you are interested in financially supporting the work she is doing follow this link: 

Betty is very thankful for your prayers and support as well as your
involvement in her ministry in Guatemala.

Davis Giron

Davis served as our interpreter for both the James 1:27 trip and the Bridge Builders trip. We discovered he was much more than an interpreter, driving us to various schools, gathering supplies, constructing bookcases, and building relationships everywhere we went. When he is not serving short term teams from Wooddale, he is working in schools around Guatemala City to share hope and give kids a vision for their future beyond simply surviving. He runs sports clinics as a way to connect personally with students and then introduces them to the person of Jesus Christ. He has a passion for showing kids who Jesus is and how knowing Him changes everything. If you are interested in learning more about his ministry or providing financial support for his ministry here is a link: 


We had the opportunity to tour an amazing facility that serves children and adults with special needs in Santiago, Atilan. The facility is home to a school for both children and adults, a rehabilitation center, and vocational training program to serve those with disabilities near Lake Atilan. Their primary source of funding is ADISA who’s vision is to change how the community views people with disabilities and provide the services needed for individuals to discover their purpose and dignity. Their vocational training program is home to talented artists who take recycled material to create both beautiful and useful items to sell in their tienda on-site, a store in Antigua, and on-line. Here is a link to their website if you want to learn more:  or peruse the available items for sale: 

Our teams were in Guatemala for a week or two, but these people and organizations have dedicated their lives to serving their communities and advancing God’ kingdom all around Guatemala each and every day. Please consider supporting them financially and remember them in your prayers. 

Tuesday, February 21, 2017

And then it was done...

I can’t believe how quickly the week in Sumpango went. It was full of amazing experiences and left little time for sharing those experiences with you our supporters so I apologize for the tardy entry. I believe I left off with a promise of more information regarding our time at the orphanage. I mentioned that we, the gringos, took over as substitute teachers for the residents and students at the orphanage school. The main reason for the take over was to free up the nuns and the teachers for a training on how to be a trauma competent caregiver. The training covered how a child’s brain develops differently after experiencing trauma, explaining typical behaviors, and tools for supporting children who have been through traumatic experiences. The teachers reported the information was transformational. They would not only use what they have learned at the orphanage, but also at the other schools where they teach in the community. 

While our time of teaching felt chaotic and disjointed at times, it was a really special time. Many of the kids don’t think about the future let alone dream of anything outside of what they experience in day to day life. They were exposed to 10 different careers over 3 days, and though they didn’t have traditional homework or tests during that time, they engaged with the material that was taught. One of our ministry partners overheard kids in the neighborhood talking about what they learned and what they wanted to be when they grew up while playing in front of her house. It was cool to hear her perspective and excitement about the service we provided for the kids and the teachers. 

The bunk bed project successfully concluded with a Gospel message on Tuesday night and a class on making healthy nutrition choices Wednesday night. Wednesday is always a special night as the kids and parents learn about nutrition together before receiving their beds. The kids are encouraged to thank their parents for attending the classes so they can have a new bed to sleep in and the parents are encouraged to treasure and protect their children as they’ve learned in the classes. We pray for each family and there is an opportunity for them to say a few words about what the training has meant for them. There are many tears and much laughter as we celebrate together. For some of the kids, it will be the first bed they have ever slept in. Once the service is completed and families have received their certificate of completion for the classes, a parade of beds moves from inside the church into the streets of the city. It is a beautiful sight and this year was no exception.

Between Wednesday night and Friday morning, a nasty virus had worked its way through the majority of both the American and the Guatemalan teams. The plan was for Thursday to be a retreat day for the Guatemalan team hosted by the American team, a worship night in Antigua lead by a Guatemalan worship leader not on the Sumpango team, and then Friday a group of about 12 to climb the volcano Picaya. A modified version of the retreat occurred for those feeling well enough to participate, everyone made it to Antigua for the night of worship, and we ended up with about 6 people making it to the top of the volcano on Friday morning. Though it wasn’t exactly what we had planned, I believe God showed up and was glorified through it all. Personally, I had a cool experience during the worship night and then on Picaya that I will likely expand on further in my personal blog.

It was an incredible week. I feel honored that God chose this team to do his work in Sumpango and show us the ways he is working in and through the Guatemalan team we partner with to bring light and hope into the community. I was blessed by each smile, each hug, and each conversation, no matter how much Spanglish was required. God is good and he faithfully demonstrated his power in my weaknesses and our team’s inadequacies to show each one of us to trust more deeply in him. As most of the team returned to Minnesota and a few of us stayed for a second week of ministry around Lake Atilan, my prayer is that we don’t lose sight of what a great God we serve.