Wednesday, August 16, 2017

With Hope Comes Confidence

Hola Amigos!

Yesterday and today were filled with lots of energy, laughs and learning. We completed our first two days teaching in a local orphanage, while the school's teachers received important professional development training. Throughout the week we are teaching students about the seven continents through song, activities, and games. Students are ages birth-6th grade and are full of constant energy! Half live at the orphanage while the other half live within the community. The campus is an oasis of beautiful flowers, sunny classrooms, and friendly faces. We hope the time the teachers spend receiving training will equip them in the classroom and give them a time of refreshment.

Last night, we spent the evening discussing the topic of sexual abuse with the families of the Bunkbed Ministry. Amy addressed the adults while Allie and Michelle E. told stories to the children that enabled discussion around this difficult topic. Denise then led the children through an activity where they were able to make paper figures with paper clothing to illustrate what areas of our body are private to us. At the end of the evening, Pastor Marvin asked for the parents to pray over their children. It was a beautiful experience to partake in and one that none of us will soon forget.
Allie and Berna telling the children a story

Michelle and Berna telling the children a story

Pastor Marvin and the children of the church

Tonight is the final evening of the Bunkbed Ministry. We are sad to end our time with the families but happy to see them benefit from the beds they will be receiving tonight. Please pray that the classes and the beds will promote not only healthy families but also an everlasting hope in God.

Hasta Luego!

Team Guatemala

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