Tuesday, August 5, 2014

Tuesday, August 5th

Another stellar day for the books. We started off at the orphanage in Sumpango. The orphanage is also a school in the morning. Some of us had the awesome opportunity of helping out with the English classes!! We then headed to lunch at Betty's house down the street where we shared yet another amazing Guatemalan meal.  We met Betty's sister Dorita as well.

In the afternoon, we went to the church where we met Pastor Manuel and his wife Dorita who run the church in Sumpango. The church is in the least fortunate part of the city near the dump. The church has been a blessing on the community in the past few years it's been there; especially with the new building built in the past six months. We saw the two classrooms, kitchen and bathrooms that were added by another team previously this year. We're hoping to help paint these rooms tomorrow! After seeing the church we went to homes in the area for house visits. We celebrated birthdays, prayed, cried and laughed with every family! They were very gracious for the bag of food we brought for them. We invited each of the five families we visited today to our festival at the church on Saturday. They loved having something to look forward to later in the week!

After the home visits we headed back to Betty's house. While waiting for dinner, we walked around the neighborhood. Betty showed us a piece of land she purchased hoping to build a home for her father. It was a sad time, but we prayed God will help Betty know how to use the land. This was emotional and moving for us all.

After dinner there were many laughs! Arm wrestling entertained many and a few will have "spaghetti arms" in the morning. A quiet bus ride back to the hotel allowed us to relax and reflect on the awesome day!

Gracias para leer mis amigos! (My Spanish is slowly improving :) )

1 comment:

  1. So fun to read about your adventures! I love seeing the pictures. Thx for the updates!! Sounds like you all have been a real blessing to the families. I will keep praying for your team and for all the people you encounter. Love you! -meg
