Sunday, August 10, 2014

Saturday, August 9th/recap

The Lord used each of us to do His work this week; especially at Precious Moments, the trip to the zoo with the kids from the orphanage, the church festival and the special prayer evening with Pastor Manuel and his family. Here are some reflections each group member wanted to share on our final blog.

Amy: afternoon service and carnival-- it was amazing and exhilarating to me to see so many families come to the church and laugh and have fun; for a few hours forgetting some of the sad and hard parts of their lives. My favorite quote was when a slightly bent over, wrinkled Mayan woman came to the balloon pop game and announced "I am 72 years old, and I am having more fun today than I have ever had in my life".

Laura: It was great to see the joy on the faces of the families having fun together and learning about Jesus.

Jenna: Yesterday evening we had prayer time with pastor Manuel and Dorita. The time was incredible. We all felt the presence of the Holy Spirit even without speaking the same language. Our God is truly amazing. We were brought together though Him.

Lorelei: The highlight of the trip for me was being able to continue building relationships that I started last August and February.

Connie: It was really great seeing Regina again who made the yummy snacks of empenadas for us at the festival. Regina struggles to support herself through catering food and fortunately we've been able to hire her to do some of that each trip. She was very tearful with gratitude when we saw her.

George (our driver): Going to the zoo with my family and the last day at the carnival was very fun! Seeing how excited and happy the kids were and getting to share those days with everyone was wonderful. I was determined to seek revenge on the two kids that had gotten me with water balloons at the carnival! No one has ever done something like this for the church before. Not only were the kids playing, but the adults too! I had an awesome time starting a new station of bowling with the kids.

Abby: The Guatemalan people touched my heart in so many ways. Sharing my faith story for the first time was really amazing. Playing with the kids and getting to know them more was so much fun! I want to come back to Guatemala very soon!!

Dana: I enjoyed seeing how great the faith was of the people here; I also got in my fill of hugs.

Lara: I enjoyed meeting our team/friends in Guatemala that have a deep love for The Lord! The festival and prayer service were special to me.

Tori: It was so special being able to establish relationships with the families in Sumpango. Spending the day at the zoo with the nuns and kids was definitely a highlight. Cannot wait to come back next year!!

As our trip comes to a close, we understand we go back to our lives in the States. We prayed a lot about our ministry continuing. We hope each day we can work to fill our lives with The Lord the way we did in Guatemala. We hope the same for the people of Guatemala as well; that they will continue to feel joy in their lives and the presence of the Holy Spirit daily. Thank you so much to all of the financial and spiritual supports we have. Without you, this trip would not have been possible!! I hope you all enjoyed reading the blog of our trip. It was only a slice of what went on this week, but I captured it as best I could. Praise be to God who strengthens us, guides us and heals us.

James 1:27

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