We successfully made it to San Lucas Toliman Sunday afternoon with the rest of the team:)
Monday and Tuesday morning we met with the teachers at the school for children with special needs. The 2 teachers that are there don't have any training for working with kids with special needs, and were really excited to have us there. We were greeted by lots of hugs from the kids too:)
We have a couple teachers, two Occupational Therapists, a speech therapist, and a physical therapist all on the team, so we started with some one on one evaluations with the kids. We were able to give the teachers a lot of suggestions for working with the kids and exercises to help them. It was cool to see how receptive and eager to
Some of us also went in to observe the classroom and see what the kids were working on and come up with ways to enhance their learning.
Tuesday we got to play soccer with the kids and do some hands on activities with the kids in the classroom. Emily led an activity where the kids got to use letter beads to work on recognizing and spelling their names. Definitely one of the highlights was seeing how engaged and excited the kids were about learning things in a new way.
Another highlight for today was getting to ride in the back off a pickup Guatemala style (aka: seeing how many people you can fit standing in the back!) due to a rainstorm flooding the streets today!
Tonight we are working on some projects (play dough, weighted sensory blankets, photo exercises) for the kids and we are excited to try them out tomorrow with the kids:)
Tuesday, August 16, 2016
Saturday, August 13, 2016
Week 1 Recap
So Thursday we started off the morning with a workshop with the teachers at the orphanage. Lorelei and Joyce watched a movie with the kids and hung out with them while Amy and I talked with the teachers. Amy talked about the basic things that kids need to be able to learn and how coming from difficult situations affects how they learn. I talked about the different learning styles kids have and how to use that to help the kids be more engaged in what they are learning.
In the afternoon we went to the church and led a women's workshop where Joyce talked about spiritual gifts with the ladies.
Then in the evening Amy talked about sexual abuse at the healthy families class.
Friday was fairly similar to Thursday, except in the morning Lorelei, Amy, and I did more home visits in some of the more remote areas of Sumpango. We got to hear some of their stories and pray with the families. Some of the people we visited with were those who had received bunkbeds in the past through the healthy families classes. It was cool to see how God is using the bunkbeds in these families lives to protect their kids and help give them a better future.
We did another women's workshop in the afternoon, and it was really awesome to see how many women came!
That night we did the final class at the church and Amy and I talked about health and nutrition. Then the bunkbeds went home with their rightful owners. The kids were so excited to sleep in their new beds!
It's been wonderful to see how God has worked everything together for these families to get the bunkbeds. They are definitely a gift from Him to these precious families.
On a side note, today was our break day, before another week of ministry in San Lucas Toliman. So Joyce headed off to take some Spanish classes, and the rest of us climbed Pacaya, a volcano! It was good to take a break, and we're feeling re-energized and ready to pick up the rest of the team tomorrow in Guatemala City!
Thanks for praying and following along! We're excited to see what God will do in this new week of ministry:)
So Thursday we started off the morning with a workshop with the teachers at the orphanage. Lorelei and Joyce watched a movie with the kids and hung out with them while Amy and I talked with the teachers. Amy talked about the basic things that kids need to be able to learn and how coming from difficult situations affects how they learn. I talked about the different learning styles kids have and how to use that to help the kids be more engaged in what they are learning.
In the afternoon we went to the church and led a women's workshop where Joyce talked about spiritual gifts with the ladies.
Then in the evening Amy talked about sexual abuse at the healthy families class.
Friday was fairly similar to Thursday, except in the morning Lorelei, Amy, and I did more home visits in some of the more remote areas of Sumpango. We got to hear some of their stories and pray with the families. Some of the people we visited with were those who had received bunkbeds in the past through the healthy families classes. It was cool to see how God is using the bunkbeds in these families lives to protect their kids and help give them a better future.
We did another women's workshop in the afternoon, and it was really awesome to see how many women came!
That night we did the final class at the church and Amy and I talked about health and nutrition. Then the bunkbeds went home with their rightful owners. The kids were so excited to sleep in their new beds!
It's been wonderful to see how God has worked everything together for these families to get the bunkbeds. They are definitely a gift from Him to these precious families.
On a side note, today was our break day, before another week of ministry in San Lucas Toliman. So Joyce headed off to take some Spanish classes, and the rest of us climbed Pacaya, a volcano! It was good to take a break, and we're feeling re-energized and ready to pick up the rest of the team tomorrow in Guatemala City!
Thanks for praying and following along! We're excited to see what God will do in this new week of ministry:)
Thursday, August 11, 2016
Hello Everyone!
We arrived safely in Guatemala on Tuesday around noon. We hit the grouund running after getting picked up by our driver and Joyce, who came down a week early to take some Spanish classes. After getting some groceries for the week, we headed to the church in Sumpango to start the first Healthy Families Class. Lorelei talked about having freedom in Christ, and Joyce and I had the kids during this time for a similar talk, and some fun songs and games!
We were all very grateful to get a good nights sleep, that night, after being up since 2:15am! :)
Yesterday we started off with home visits in the colonies where we were able to pray with and encourage several families.
In the afternoon, we went to the orphanage and Joyce shared a devotional with the nuns about taking care of yourself through prayer and reading God's word. We also got to play a lively game of basketball with the nuns- this was something they had been excited about since the planning trip! It was great to have fun and build relationship with them at the same time.
After that, we headed for the church for the 2nd. healthy families class on Alcoholism. Lorelei and Amy tackled this topic with the adults, and I (Rachel) talked with the kids about it. I wasn't sure how this topic would go with a variety of ages of kids, but they stayed really engaged and we had a great conversation about it and how to deal with our problems in other ways. As one girl piped in "We can pray about them!" And that's the truth.
Lorelei talking about Freedom in Christ
Wed. night craft with the kiddos.
We arrived safely in Guatemala on Tuesday around noon. We hit the grouund running after getting picked up by our driver and Joyce, who came down a week early to take some Spanish classes. After getting some groceries for the week, we headed to the church in Sumpango to start the first Healthy Families Class. Lorelei talked about having freedom in Christ, and Joyce and I had the kids during this time for a similar talk, and some fun songs and games!
We were all very grateful to get a good nights sleep, that night, after being up since 2:15am! :)
Yesterday we started off with home visits in the colonies where we were able to pray with and encourage several families.
In the afternoon, we went to the orphanage and Joyce shared a devotional with the nuns about taking care of yourself through prayer and reading God's word. We also got to play a lively game of basketball with the nuns- this was something they had been excited about since the planning trip! It was great to have fun and build relationship with them at the same time.
After that, we headed for the church for the 2nd. healthy families class on Alcoholism. Lorelei and Amy tackled this topic with the adults, and I (Rachel) talked with the kids about it. I wasn't sure how this topic would go with a variety of ages of kids, but they stayed really engaged and we had a great conversation about it and how to deal with our problems in other ways. As one girl piped in "We can pray about them!" And that's the truth.
Lorelei talking about Freedom in Christ
Wed. night craft with the kiddos.
I'm running out of time, so that's all for now!
Hasta luego!
Sunday, May 15, 2016
Kickball tournament and Cookie Bake-off
We are on our way back to Guatemala in August and it's time to raise some funds for the trip. What better way than a kickball tournament and cookie bake-off! Grab some friends, neighbors or random strangers you meet at the coffee shop and get your team together!
Why: To raise money for kids and families in Guatemala. Wooddale Church is sending a team of volunteers to teach classes, love on kids at an orphanage living with HIV, and provide therapy services to kids with special needs at their school. The funds raised at this event will go to provide bunk beds for families that go through our Building Healthy Family classes. Classes include topics such as Alcoholism, Domestic Abuse, Nutrition, and Identity in Christ. At the end of the classes, each family will earn a certificate of completion and a set of bunk beds so kids can have their own bed and not have to share with their parents.
Kickball Tournament:
Teams should designate a captain who will be in charge of communicating between the event organizers and team members. Each team should be comprised of 8-12 members. Costumes or uniforms for team unity are highly encouraged. Best team theme will be decided by those attending the event. The process for that decision is outlined in the voting section below. Each team is responsible for raising $50 for a team entry fee.
Want to play but don’t have a team? Depending on numbers, there may be an opportunity for a team to be assembled as strangers but leave as friends or even champions! Individuals not connected to a team, but wanting to play have an entry fee of $5.
We ask that all kickball team members be in elementary school or older. Younger children, however, are welcome to serve as team mascots or cheerleaders. There is no age limit to participation.
Team captains, please email your team name to engberm@gmail.com as well as how many people you have on your team and if you are willing to take more team members. If you are an individual and want to be connected to a team or are willing to captain the team of strangers, also email engbergm@gmail.com.
Cookie Bake-off:
Not into kickball but still want to get your competitive juices flowing? In the building, you will be given the chance to display your cookie baking talents. There will be prizes for best tasting cookies and best looking cookies as decided by those attending the day of the event. The process for voting is outlined below. If you are interested in entering your cookies into the bake-off email engbergm@gmail.com.
Voting: Because this is a fundraiser, $1=1vote. Each team for kickball and each cookie will have a box associated with it where “votes” can be cast for your favorite. We will be encouraging you all to vote early and vote often.
Those attending the event can enjoy our Taco Bar for $5. If you are playing on a team, the bar is included in your entry fee.
Not really competitive but still want to join in the festivities by volunteering? Contact Michelle at engbergm@gmail.com.
Sunday, February 21, 2016
Hasta Luego
Hello Everyone!
This is my last post, as Lorelei, Lindy, Mackenzie and I all made it safely back to MSP last night around midnight. Joyce, Linda, Amy, and Connie dropped us off at the airport and then went on with Bridge Builders for another week of service in a different part of Guatemala. Please pray for energy and safety for them!
Our last day was a free day in Antigua to debrief as a team, have some time to process things, and have a little fun wandering the city. We had to say goodbye to the ministry team after breakfast, as they had to get back to Sumpango. While we were sad to say goodbye to them, the day was full of good conversations, amazing Guatemalan food, and lots of laughs! It was a blessing to have a day to relax after a very busy, but awesome week!
This is my last post, as Lorelei, Lindy, Mackenzie and I all made it safely back to MSP last night around midnight. Joyce, Linda, Amy, and Connie dropped us off at the airport and then went on with Bridge Builders for another week of service in a different part of Guatemala. Please pray for energy and safety for them!
Our last day was a free day in Antigua to debrief as a team, have some time to process things, and have a little fun wandering the city. We had to say goodbye to the ministry team after breakfast, as they had to get back to Sumpango. While we were sad to say goodbye to them, the day was full of good conversations, amazing Guatemalan food, and lots of laughs! It was a blessing to have a day to relax after a very busy, but awesome week!
At supper on Friday night, we shared what some of our favorite moments from the week were, and I thought it would be fun to share them with you as well!
Lindy: The home visits, hanging out with the kids during the Healthy Families classes, and the foot washing
Mackenzie: The VBS in the woods and home visits
Lorelei: Having the opportunity to wash the feet of the ministry team and the home visits.
Linda: How loving the people were, VBS in the woods and seeing how the nuns gave up everything to care for the kids at the orphanage.
Amy: the VBS in the woods, and lunch with the teachers.
Rachel: The lunch with the teachers, spending time with the kids at church, and building relationships with those in the community.
Joyce: Seeing God work out the connections for the speaker at the retreat, and the kids hugs.
Connie: The foot washing, and holding the baby at the orphanage.
Thank you all so much for your prayers, and please continue to keep the ministry team in your prayers as they continue to serve in Sumpango.
Friday, February 19, 2016
Gloría a Dios
Hola everyone!
Sorry I didn't update yesterday, I wasn't feeling good yesterday so it didn't get done.
Despite that, however, the past few days have been amazing. It's been such an honor to witness how God has worked everything out according to His plan! On Wednesday we went to the orphanage and Amy, Connie and I met with the teachers at the orphanage to help them problem solve some of the issues they have and simply get to know them and how we can help them in the future. They said that we helped light the fire for some new ideas and hoped that we would be able to see some of the changes when we come back. They were very excited, and would like more training in the future!
The rest of the group did English lessons with the kids and that went really well too.
I have to put in here that we would not have had much success with VBS or the orphanage activities without the help of Davis and Berna (part of the ministry team)! They translated and helped with the kids and went above and beyond to make things run smoothly! We are so thankful for them!
Teaching English & lunch with the teachers:

That evening we had our final healthy families class and the bunk beds went home with their new family! Lindy and Mackenzie talked about health and nutrition and the families received a certificate for completing the classes. Everyone was so excited!
Carrying them off:)
On Thursday we packed up and headed to Antigua with the ministry team for a retreat day for them. They work so hard and keep giving day in and day out without many breaks, so we had a day with some speakers and worship and just time for them to relax! Believe me, they deserve it!
A phrase that I have heard a lot of the past few days is Gloría a Dios, or Glory to God! It seems so fitting for everything that has happened we are so grateful to God for all that he has done and will comtinue to do here. We owe everything to Him, and our desire is that all the glory would go to God for all that he has done!
A quick prayer request:
One of the children at the orphanages mom died, and the nuns asked Connie to tell this child because she is a counselor. Please pray for this precious child, as he goes through this really hard time!
Sorry I didn't update yesterday, I wasn't feeling good yesterday so it didn't get done.
Despite that, however, the past few days have been amazing. It's been such an honor to witness how God has worked everything out according to His plan! On Wednesday we went to the orphanage and Amy, Connie and I met with the teachers at the orphanage to help them problem solve some of the issues they have and simply get to know them and how we can help them in the future. They said that we helped light the fire for some new ideas and hoped that we would be able to see some of the changes when we come back. They were very excited, and would like more training in the future!
The rest of the group did English lessons with the kids and that went really well too.
I have to put in here that we would not have had much success with VBS or the orphanage activities without the help of Davis and Berna (part of the ministry team)! They translated and helped with the kids and went above and beyond to make things run smoothly! We are so thankful for them!
Teaching English & lunch with the teachers:

That evening we had our final healthy families class and the bunk beds went home with their new family! Lindy and Mackenzie talked about health and nutrition and the families received a certificate for completing the classes. Everyone was so excited!
The kids with their new beds!
Carrying them off:)
A phrase that I have heard a lot of the past few days is Gloría a Dios, or Glory to God! It seems so fitting for everything that has happened we are so grateful to God for all that he has done and will comtinue to do here. We owe everything to Him, and our desire is that all the glory would go to God for all that he has done!
A quick prayer request:
One of the children at the orphanages mom died, and the nuns asked Connie to tell this child because she is a counselor. Please pray for this precious child, as he goes through this really hard time!
Wednesday, February 17, 2016
Day 3
Hola friends!
Yesterday was another full day here in Sumpango! During the morning we split up again for home visits and VBS. It was definitely more of an adventure getting to our locations for both of these things! We held VBS up a big hill in the woods, and according to Lorelei you had to be 3/4 mountain goat in order to get to the home visits! Both went really well though. For VBS, the kids got to act out the story of Esther, and it was fun to hear from the home visits group that the songs we did with the kids could be heard echoing across the hills.
Yesterday was another full day here in Sumpango! During the morning we split up again for home visits and VBS. It was definitely more of an adventure getting to our locations for both of these things! We held VBS up a big hill in the woods, and according to Lorelei you had to be 3/4 mountain goat in order to get to the home visits! Both went really well though. For VBS, the kids got to act out the story of Esther, and it was fun to hear from the home visits group that the songs we did with the kids could be heard echoing across the hills.
VBS, with kids hanging from the trees :)
After that some of the group took the nuns at the orphanage out for lunch while the rest of us did lessons and crafts with the kids at the orphanage.
Connie finished off the day with her talk on alcoholism.
A couple of prayer requests from today:
The nuns are having a hard time with one of the 7 year old boys from the orphanage. He doesn't have any conscience or empathy, and has been escaping the orphanage by climbing over the wall. Please pray that God would give the nuns wisdom in how to deal with him and that they would figure out what to do with him to help him.
One of the women on the home visits husband has been drinking and abusing her, as well as robbing the neighbors. He has been discouraging her from coming to church and she feels shame in coming because the neighbors know about her husband. So please keep her and her family in your prayers.
Hasta luego!
Tuesday, February 16, 2016
Day 2
Hello everyone!
Yesterday was another full day here in Sumpango. We started yesterday morning with some of us doing home visits and the rest of us doing VBS in an open lot/street. One of the home visits included a young man trading in his Book of Mormon for a Bible and he also made a decision to invite Christ into his life. On another home visit, we visited a girl who was very sick, and it was pretty hard for us to see. We prayed with her, and would really appreciate your prayers as well for this precious girl. Pray that she would be able to get the medical attention she needs and that she wouldn't feel alone.
I'm going to give you a picture overview of the rest of our day as I'm running out of time!
Yesterday was another full day here in Sumpango. We started yesterday morning with some of us doing home visits and the rest of us doing VBS in an open lot/street. One of the home visits included a young man trading in his Book of Mormon for a Bible and he also made a decision to invite Christ into his life. On another home visit, we visited a girl who was very sick, and it was pretty hard for us to see. We prayed with her, and would really appreciate your prayers as well for this precious girl. Pray that she would be able to get the medical attention she needs and that she wouldn't feel alone.
I'm going to give you a picture overview of the rest of our day as I'm running out of time!
Amy's healthy families talk.
The orphanage
Monday, February 15, 2016
Off and Running!
We all arrived safely in Sumpango (with our luggage) yesterday. Thank you for all your prayers regarding travel! After dropping our stuff off at the retreat center we went straight to the church service where we got to worship with the church and Connie spoke about living life with an eternal perspective. After that, Lorelei gave her talk for the healthy families class on freedom in Christ. We heard from the pastors, that some of the things Lorelei showed in her talk were very powerful examples for the people. Lorelei hadn't had as much time to prepare as she wanted, so it was cool to see how God can work and speak through us whether or not we feel prepared to do so.
During all of this, the rest of us played and chased and tickled the kids and God definitely gave us energy after being up for many hours!
We had supper with the ministry team afterwards and Betty shared their team vision and how God brought them together to serve Sumpango.
Dinner with the ministry team:
Our wifi is pretty spotty here so I will try to update as much as possible, but it may not be every day.
Thanks so much for your prayers!
We all arrived safely in Sumpango (with our luggage) yesterday. Thank you for all your prayers regarding travel! After dropping our stuff off at the retreat center we went straight to the church service where we got to worship with the church and Connie spoke about living life with an eternal perspective. After that, Lorelei gave her talk for the healthy families class on freedom in Christ. We heard from the pastors, that some of the things Lorelei showed in her talk were very powerful examples for the people. Lorelei hadn't had as much time to prepare as she wanted, so it was cool to see how God can work and speak through us whether or not we feel prepared to do so.
During all of this, the rest of us played and chased and tickled the kids and God definitely gave us energy after being up for many hours!
We had supper with the ministry team afterwards and Betty shared their team vision and how God brought them together to serve Sumpango.
Dinner with the ministry team:
Thanks so much for your prayers!
Thursday, February 11, 2016
Feb. 2016 Team Overview and Prayer Requests
El equipo:
Back Row- Linda, Lorelei, Mackenzie, Connie, Joyce, Rachel;
Front Row-Lindy, Amy
Hello Everyone!
In just a few days, early on Feb. 14th, we will be taking off for Guatemala! I (Rachel) will be updating you on what’s happening, ways you can pray for us, and the ways God will be at work while we are gone. Our team has been hard at work the last few weeks preparing and planning for what we will be doing in Guatemala. Below I am posting a daily overview of the week/prayer guide to help you know what will be going on each day and how you can specifically pray for us! Our greatest prayer is that God's will would be done in us and all the people we meet. Prayer is so important, so powerful, and we are so thankful for your prayers!
Overview and Prayer Requests:
Sunday, February 14: We will travel to Sumpango, attend and participate in the church service (Lindy, Rachel, and Joyce will be doing Sunday School with the little ones) and have the first Healthy Families class on Freedom in Christ.
-Travel, including on-time flights, making connections, and our luggage arriving with us.
-Energy, health, and clear, alert minds for all the team
-Soft hearts and open minds of those attending the 1st. Healthy Families session so they hear & accept God’s invitation to experience Christ’s freedom from their sin & addictions.
Monday, February 15- In the morning we will be doing home visits and VBS in the community. In the afternoon we will be at the orphanage doing Bible stories and activities with the kids there. The second Healthy Families class on family relationships and abuse will be in the evening.
-Mackenzie & Lorelei leading VBS
and for all who hear “Who Am I” to understand & accept who they are in Christ
-Time with the nuns and the orphanage kids
-Home visits
-Amy’s session on family relationships & abuse
-Energy, health, and team unity
-Amy as team leader
Tuesday February 16- In the morning we will be doing home visits and VBS in the community. In the afternoon we will be at the orphanage doing Bible stories and activities with the kids there. The 3rd. Healthy Families class on alcoholism will be in the evening.
-Rachel & Lindy leading VBS, and for all who hear the story of Queen Esther & its applications to them
-Time with the nuns as we build relationships, rapport
-Home visits
-Connie’s session on alcoholism
-Energy, health, and team unity
-Amy as team leader
Wednesday February 17- In the morning some of us will be leading a workshop with the nuns/teachers at the orphanage about incorporating children with special needs in the classroom, and the rest will be teaching English and doing fun activities with the kids. In the afternoon, all of us will be doing home visits in Sumpango, and that evening will be the final Healthy Families class and graduation
-Amy, Connie, Rachel – workshop w/nuns
Lorelei, Lindy, Joyce, Mackenzie teaching English
-Home visits
-Lindy & Mackenzie’s session on health and nutrition
-Pray that all the sessions will have a lasting impact, even on future generations
-Energy, health, and team unity
-Amy, leader
Thursday, February 18- Travel to Antigua and start the retreat for the local ministry team in Sumpango.
-Rest, refreshment for the Guatemalan ministry team during the retreat
Our ability to encourage, strengthen, and support the Guatemalan ministry team
-Wisdom & discernment for Connie & Mr Argueta as they meet one on one with ministry team members
-Safety in Antigua
-Energy, health, and team unity
-Amy, leader
Friday February 19- Final breakfast with ministry team before they head back to Sumpango and debriefing day for James 1:27 team.
-Our time of debriefing & team worship
-Safety in Antigua
-Good sleep for whole team
-Amy, as team leader
Saturday, February 20th- Lorelei, Lindy, Rachel, and Mackenzie head back to MN, and the rest of the team gets ready for another week of ministry with Bridge Builders.
-Travel, for Lorelei, Rachel, Lindy, Mackenzie as they head back to MN, including on-time flights, making connections, and our luggage to arrive with us
-Amy, Joyce, Connie, Linda as they gear up, mentally & physically for another week of ministry
-Amy, as she prepares to lead another team of women
Hasta Luego!!
Sunday, January 3, 2016
Sled/Bed Race and Chili Cook-off
Event: Sled Bed Race and Chili Cook-off
When: 1/30/16 10:30-12:30; race is at 11:45, award
presentation 12:00
Where: Staring Lake Park 14800 Pioneer Trl, Eden Prairie, MN
Who: Everyone! Invite your friends!
Why: To raise funds for bunks beds for kids and families in
Rules, Regulations, and Miscellaneous info:
1) The Sled: due to hill regulations, your sled must have an
inter tube or plastic bottom base in order to participate in the race. There
have been a few questions about using a mattress as the base but unfortunately
unless the bed meets the above criteria, you can only participate in the
creative category and not the race portion. Your team is included in the
creative portion of your sled so costumes are encouraged. If you would like to enter a sled team (up to 4 per sled) contact Michelle: engbergm@gmail.com
2) The Chili: there will be outlets/power strips to keep
chili warm if you transport them in a crockpot. Please include a list of key
ingredients/common allergens that can be displayed. If you are comfortable
providing a recipe (sans the family secret) feel free. Please bring a serving
utensil to dispense the chili, cups and spoons will be provided. If you would like to enter a chili, contact Michelle: engbergm@gmail.com
3) The Prizes: prizes will be awarded to most creative sled,
fastest sled, and favorite chili. Most creative sled and favorite chili will be
determined by the amount of money, in dollars, placed in the box corresponding
to each contestant. The fastest sled will be determined by our line judge at
the bottom of the hill.
4) Donations: If you are unable to attend the event, but
wish to donate to the bunk bed project here is the link: http://wooddale.org/far/ Select give to James
1:27 Guatemala trip. You will be redirected to a new page. You will need to
register or sign in to your account to complete secure online giving. When
selecting who to contribute to, select special project.
5) Other attractions: there are opportunities to go sliding
or skating while voting is taking place. You will have to bring your own sled
and skates. There is a cozy place to warm up and enjoy chili and/or cocoa while
looking through pictures of kids and families we’ve worked with in Guatemala.
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