Sorry I didn't update yesterday, I wasn't feeling good yesterday so it didn't get done.
Despite that, however, the past few days have been amazing. It's been such an honor to witness how God has worked everything out according to His plan! On Wednesday we went to the orphanage and Amy, Connie and I met with the teachers at the orphanage to help them problem solve some of the issues they have and simply get to know them and how we can help them in the future. They said that we helped light the fire for some new ideas and hoped that we would be able to see some of the changes when we come back. They were very excited, and would like more training in the future!
The rest of the group did English lessons with the kids and that went really well too.
I have to put in here that we would not have had much success with VBS or the orphanage activities without the help of Davis and Berna (part of the ministry team)! They translated and helped with the kids and went above and beyond to make things run smoothly! We are so thankful for them!
Teaching English & lunch with the teachers:

That evening we had our final healthy families class and the bunk beds went home with their new family! Lindy and Mackenzie talked about health and nutrition and the families received a certificate for completing the classes. Everyone was so excited!
The kids with their new beds!
Carrying them off:)
A phrase that I have heard a lot of the past few days is Gloría a Dios, or Glory to God! It seems so fitting for everything that has happened we are so grateful to God for all that he has done and will comtinue to do here. We owe everything to Him, and our desire is that all the glory would go to God for all that he has done!
A quick prayer request:
One of the children at the orphanages mom died, and the nuns asked Connie to tell this child because she is a counselor. Please pray for this precious child, as he goes through this really hard time!
Hope you are feeling better! Looks like lots of memories being made. Hope your day today was relaxing and refreshing! Blessings!! Robin