Thursday, February 11, 2016

Feb. 2016 Team Overview and Prayer Requests

El equipo: 
Back Row- Linda, Lorelei, Mackenzie, Connie, Joyce, Rachel;
 Front Row-Lindy, Amy

Hello Everyone!  

In just a few days, early on Feb. 14th, we will be taking off for Guatemala!  I (Rachel) will be updating you on what’s happening, ways you can pray for us, and the ways God will be at work while we are gone.  Our team has been hard at work the last few weeks preparing and planning for what we will be doing in Guatemala.  Below I am posting a daily overview of the week/prayer guide to help you know what will be going on each day and how you can specifically pray for us!  Our greatest prayer is that God's will would be done in us and all the people we meet.  Prayer is so important, so powerful, and we are so thankful for your prayers!

Overview and Prayer Requests:

Sunday, February 14: We will travel to Sumpango, attend and participate in the church service (Lindy, Rachel, and Joyce will be doing Sunday School with the little ones) and have the first Healthy Families class on Freedom in Christ.

-Travel, including on-time flights, making connections, and our luggage arriving with us.
-Energy, health, and clear, alert minds for all the team
-Soft hearts and open minds of those attending the 1st. Healthy Families session so they hear & accept God’s invitation to experience Christ’s freedom from their sin & addictions.

Monday, February 15-  In the morning we will be doing home visits and VBS in the community.  In the afternoon we will be at the orphanage doing Bible stories and activities with the kids there. The second Healthy Families class on family relationships and abuse will be in the evening.

-Mackenzie & Lorelei leading VBS
and for all who hear “Who Am I” to understand & accept who they are in Christ
-Time with the nuns and the orphanage kids
-Home visits
-Amy’s session on family relationships & abuse
-Energy, health, and team unity
-Amy as team leader

Tuesday February 16-  In the morning we will be doing home visits and VBS in the community.  In the afternoon we will be at the orphanage doing Bible stories and activities with the kids there. The 3rd. Healthy Families class on alcoholism will be in the evening.

-Rachel & Lindy leading VBS, and for all who hear the story of Queen Esther & its applications to them
-Time with the nuns as we build relationships, rapport
-Home visits
-Connie’s session on alcoholism
-Energy, health, and team unity
-Amy as team leader

Wednesday February 17- In the morning some of us will be leading a workshop with the nuns/teachers at the orphanage about incorporating children with special needs in the classroom, and the rest will be teaching English and doing fun activities with the kids.  In the afternoon, all of us will be doing home visits in Sumpango, and that evening will be the final Healthy Families class and graduation

-Amy, Connie, Rachel – workshop w/nuns
Lorelei, Lindy, Joyce, Mackenzie teaching English
-Home visits
-Lindy & Mackenzie’s session on health and nutrition
-Pray that all the sessions will have a lasting impact, even on future generations
-Energy, health, and team unity
-Amy, leader

Thursday, February 18- Travel to Antigua and start the retreat for the local ministry team in Sumpango.

-Rest, refreshment for the Guatemalan ministry team during the retreat
Our ability to encourage, strengthen, and support the Guatemalan ministry team
-Wisdom & discernment for Connie & Mr Argueta as they meet one on one with ministry team members
-Safety in Antigua
-Energy, health, and team unity
-Amy, leader

Friday February 19- Final breakfast with ministry team before they head back to Sumpango and debriefing day for James 1:27 team.

-Our time of debriefing & team worship
-Safety in Antigua
-Good sleep for whole team
-Amy, as team leader

Saturday, February 20th- Lorelei, Lindy, Rachel, and Mackenzie head back to MN, and the rest of the team gets ready for another week of ministry with Bridge Builders.

-Travel, for Lorelei, Rachel, Lindy, Mackenzie as they head back to MN, including on-time flights, making connections, and our luggage to arrive with us
-Amy, Joyce, Connie, Linda as they gear up, mentally & physically for another week of ministry
-Amy, as she prepares to lead another team of women

Hasta Luego!!

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