Thursday, August 6, 2015

Let the countdown begin...

By this time next week, Team 1 will be in Guatemala loving on kids and practicing their Spanish. Both teams would like to invite you to our prayer send off 8/9/15 at 7:15 located on Wooddale's Eden Prairie campus. This will be an informal gathering of people both going and staying to pray over the work that will be done during our time in Guatemala. As we learned from Pastor Dale's sermon last week, prayer is powerful and opens the door to see God do immeasurably more than what we can ask or imagine. God hears our prayers and the prayers of his children around the world. Our desire is for the kids and families we will be working with to know and experience the great God we serve; His strength, His power, and His grace that brings hope and healing to the brokenness of this life.

We will be posting a prayer guide in the next few days so if you can't make it to the prayer send-off or you want to support us in prayer, you will know specifically how to pray for our time. You are an important part of our team and we are thankful you are taking this journey with us.

Team 2 has been busy the last few weeks getting our crafts ready to go for the stories we will be sharing with the kids about Daniel in the Lions Den and putting on the armor of God. Our theme for VBS during the two weeks is Our God is Great. The memory verse for the kids is:

Dios es nuestro amparo y fortaleza, nuestra ayuda segura en momentos de angustia. Salmos 46:1 (NVI )

Or if you prefer English...
God is our refuge and strength, an ever-present help in times of trouble. Psalm 46:1 (NIV)

And to round out the post, a couple more profiles from Team 2:

Name: Beth
Occupation: Laboratory attendant

Family: 1 older brother and mom and dad

How did you learn about the trip and why did you decide to go?   
I learned about trip through the Gathering, decided to go because I was looking for a life changer and to serve people

What are you most nervous about for the trip?   
being engulfed in a different culture

What are you most nervous about for the trip?   
that it will be difficult to connect with the kids

Prior to this trip, where was your favorite place to visit and why?   
My fav place to visit is my cabin because it is up in the deep north woods where everything is still in its natural state

If you could have a super power, what would it be and why?   
My super power would be to understand animals's stories and to listen to their thoughts/fears hahaha that sounds crazy but I heard it from my mentor in my internship and it kinda just stuck :)

Name:   Don
Occupation:   Retired
Family:   wife - Linnea and 3 sons, 2 daughters
How did you learn about the trip and why did you decide to go?   
I've seen the Guatemala trip at church and ask Amy T. about it.

What are you most excited about for the trip?   
I heard there was kids there. Nothing could be better Kids and serving the Lord

What are you most nervous about for the trip?   
Keeping up with the kids and serving the Lord nothing could be scarier.

What song would play on your soundtrack for this season of life and why?    
Gods gonna cut you down - Jonny Cash

If you could be friends with one fictional character, who would you choose and why?   
Popeye the sailor man - I liked being a sailor.

How can we pray for you on this trip?   
Pray for Gods will, and that I'll be able to keep up with the girls.

We are getting excited for the trip and what God is planning to do in and through us! Thank you all so much for your prayers and financial support. God is so good!

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