Thursday, July 16, 2015

Introductions Continue...Team 2

Now that you are acquainted with Team 1, we'll shift gears and introduce a couple more members of team 2:

Name: Kelby Mezzenga
Occupation: Executive Assistant at Worrell Design

Family: 2 sisters & 1 brother 
How did you learn about the trip and why did you decide to go? After hearing the pastor talk about missions, I looked into Wooddale's missions and saw the Guatemala one and it stuck out too me and after the first intro meeting, God really confirmed this trip for me!

What are you most excited about for the trip? To share my love for Jesus with others & show the kids how much they are loved!

What are you most nervous about for the trip? That I won't want to come home :) [don't worry mom]
Prior to this trip, where was your favorite place to visit and why?
My grandparents house! I know its not exotic or a beach, but every time I'm there, I feel happy and loved. I leave all my stress and worry at the door! Im am so thankful for them!
If you had to change your occupation, what would you choose and why? I would love to be a camp counselor or a fitness instructor. Haha its hard to pick between these too! Maybe I could do a fitness camp...   

How can we pray for you on this trip? Safety & Energy :)

Name: Sarah Gangelhoff

Occupation: Registered Nurse and I love it!

Family: Dad Charlie and step mom Theresa
Sister Gina and brother-in-law Leo, nephew Leo and niece Aryanna
Brother Tom and sister-in-law Becky, nephew Barrett
Brother Brandon

How did you learn about the trip and why did you decide to go?
I learned about the trip through Wooddale church. My heart has been drawn to this mission field for three years! I praise God that this year, Lord willing, I will be able to go! 

What are you most excited about for the trip?
To work for our Lord! I cant wait to show His love. I am looking forward to fellowship with all the people in Guatemala and my team. I am looking forward to growing in my faith and have my opened to a new people group! I am so excited to see what God is going to do!

What are you most nervous about for the trip?
Getting sick or too exhausted. I have a chronic illness that at times can cause me to be quite ill and have low energy. I am also on a medication that lowers my immune system so I am more susceptible to illnesses.

If you could be friends with one fictional character, who would you choose and why?
Hadassah from the Mark of the Lion trilogy by Francine Rivers! She has an amazing unbreakable faith and a heart of gold!!

If you could have a super power, what would it be and why?
To be in two places at once! I guess I have too many people I want to see and too many things I want to do!

How can we pray for you on this trip?
Please pray for my health. Please also pray I hear the Holy Spirits prompting and am not too scared to do what He asks. May my faith be bigger than my fear!

Stay tuned to learn more about our team!

July 26, 2015 4:30-8:30

Our teams are hosting a free Guatemalan coffeehouse event at Matter More (formerly Hope for the City).
7005 Oxford St
St. Louis Park, MN

This is a fundraiser for the special project we will be working on with the local church in Guatemala on building healthy families. There will be live music, chair massages (for purchase in 10-minute increments), free coffee and treats, and Guatemalan gifts for sale. Matter More also has a poverty simulation on site that will be available to show the different faces of poverty around the world.

If you want more information, here is a link to the event blog:

Hope to see you all there!

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